Eva Paulus in the Lab

Eva Paulus awarded funding for Dugong conservation genetics

Eva Paulus was awarded $20,000 from the Threatened Species Initiative to sequence the genomes of dugongs along their Australian range, with a special focus on remote regions like the Kimberley and Gascoyne region.

This will enable her to analyse the genomes of 60 additional dugong samples, a huge leap in the knowledge of dugong population genomics in Australia, where most of the samples have so far been collected along the east coast of Queensland.

In addition, she received $8,500 from the Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment & the Ecological Society of Australia, which will be used to further the collaboration with Traditional Owners who are managing dugong populations in their sea countries. 

Eva Paulus in the Lab
Eva Paulus preparing DNA samples

Alison Green Zoology Research Fund winner – Dr Sally Lau!

Sally Lau was awarded the Alison Green Zoology Research Fund this year to further her research on East Antarctic marine invertebrates. The research fund supported Sally’s research at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery to identify and sample important marine invertebrate specimens collected off the Shackleton Ice Shelf, East Antarctica back in the 2009-2010 season.

Dr Sally Lau with some of the ophuroids she identified and sampled!

Sally worked together with ophuroid expert Chester Sands from the British Antarctic Survey to identify the brittlestars down to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Sally intends to genetically barcode the samples to aid in their identification.

Australasian Genomic Technologies Association AGTA – Opening Oration by Ira Cooke

Ira and Jan were both invited speakers at the Australian Genomic Technologies Association (AGTA) conference in October, 2024, in Cairns. Ira gave the ‘Opening Oration’ to the conference with a talk titled ‘Sequencing Rocks: How sequencing technology shapes our understanding of corals and coral reefs.’

Ira holding the audience captivated with the power of SMC++ demographic analyses 🙂

Nikki Rodewald wins best poster prize!

The 2024 Australian Antarctic Research Conference in Hobart (November, 2024) drew 450 polar scientists and featured many talks, workshops and over 200 research posters. JCU PhD student Nikki Rodewald from the Marine Omics Lab was awarded both the Best Overall and Early Career Researcher poster for show casing her work on dispersal in the benthic seastars, Labidiaster radiosus and Labidiaster annulatus. Well done Nikki!

Nikki with her prize winning poster!

Australian Festival of Chamber Music – Festival 2024

Jan and Ira were delighted to present a public lecture together at the Australian Festival of Chamber Music in July, 2024. Together they tag teamed a lecture titled ‘Genomics for exploring change and connections through space and time’ about how we can use the genomes of marine animals, including corals and octopods, to investigate their evolution and adaptation to past environments, and give insights into the future.

Ira wowing the audience about amazing reef building corals

The audience was very engaged and asked us both tough questions about genetics, corals, octopods and climate change. So how many corals ARE there Ira.?

Finalists! – Aspire Scholarship Eureka Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Scientific Research

Jan and Sally were delighted to be shortlisted along with their colleagues Nerida Wilson, (CSIRO) Tim Naish and Nick Golledge (bth Victoria University of Wellington) for the Eureka Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Scientific Research! Unfortunately we did not win, but had a great night all the same. A video explaining our science is here.

2024 Eureka Prizes Awards Ceremony guests (from L to R) Sally Lau, Nerida Wilson & Jan Strugnell

11th SCAR 2024 – Open Science Conference – PucĂłn, Punta Arenas, Chile, August 2024

Sally Lau opened the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) conference in PucĂłn, Chile this year with a Plenary Lecture! Sally’s Lecture was the prestigious Weybrecht Lecture and was titled “Learning from the persistence of Southern Ocean benthic invertebrates”. Sally outlined her interdisciplinary work, published in Science, to show how genomics can be used to address past West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse.

Sally wowing the audience on the finer points of demographic modelling octopod populations in Antarctica.

Jan was delighted to receive the SCAR medal for Education and Communication for initiating and coordinating the Women in Antarctic Research Wikibomb. The wikibomb contributed over 100 new detailed biographies of Antarctic women researchers to Wikipedia and sought to raise their profile and celebrate their achievement.

Jan with her SCAR medal for Education and Communication.


by Jesselyn Brown

Often in science, it is assumed most of the big discoveries happen out in the field, on glorious expeditions into the unknown. While this is an essential step in research, most of the discoveries are made afterwards, where researchers spend months to years compiling their collected data into a coherent, well curated paper for the scientific community.   Such is the case for the Antarctic marine invertebrate samples collected for the Marine Omics’ group!  Rosie and Jesselyn have been sampling tissue for genomic analyses and preserving specimens for the Museum of Tropical Queensland in JCU’s own Townsville (Bebegu Yumba) Campus; a far stretch in distance and weather from Antarctica!

Rosie (left) and Jesselyn (right) dissecting tissue from echinoderms collected from Heard and McDonald Islands

Each specimen has to be appropriately sampled for genomic analysis and preserved for the museum’s collection. Some of the jarred specimens will eventually be on display for the public, allowing visualization of the creatures living below the ice. However, the most critical part of the project comes from the tiny tissue samples collected before the specimens are preserved.

These echinoderms hold secrets about their evolutionary history and how it has been impacted by past climate and tectonic change.

For example, these echinoderms, as seen on Jesselyn’s dissection board, have tissue samples taken from their arms and from their tube feet.  Although infinitesimally small, such DNA houses a wealth of information! This may reveal anything from population dynamics, evolutionary tracks and divergence records, survival rates over time, and occasionally, enable the prediction of species survival through a rapidly changing climate via paleorecords. These samples will play a vital role in piecing together genetic databases and allowing scientists to develop a deeper understanding of Antarctic fauna!

Tropical blacklip rock oysters are great at gobbling up nutrients

Ben Rennie led a great study as part of his Masters project to investigate filtration rates and the bioremediation potential of the tropical blacklip rock oyster, Saccostrea lineage J, which was published in Aquaculture Environment Interactions. The study found that the Blacklip Rock Oysters significantly reduced total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total suspended solids and chlorophyll a from prawn pond effluent. In addition the oysters have a filtration rate three to five times higher than other frequently cultured oyster species suggesting that they may be well suited to biofiltration roles.

JCU highlighted the story in a media release and a feature article the paper has led to interest in the oysters ability to provide reef credits.

Jan with a Tropical Blacklip Rock Oyster at Bowen Fresh Oysters.

Octopus DNA predicts future West Antarctic ice sheet collapse

Sally Lau led a fantastic study published in Science which used octopus DNA to discover that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) likely collapsed during the Last Interglacial period around 125,000 years ago – when global temperatures were similar to today. This provides the first empirical evidence that the tipping point of this ice sheet could be reached even under the Paris Agreement targets of limiting warming to 1.5 – 2 degrees C.

This research solves a long-running mystery regarding whether or not the WAIS collapsed during the Last Interglacial. This was a period when global average temperatures were 0.5 – 1.5 oC warmer than preindustrial levels, but global sea level was 5 – 10 metres higher than today. What makes the WAIS important is that it’s also Antarctica’s current biggest contributor to global sea level rise. A complete collapse could raise global sea levels by somewhere between 3 and 5 metres.

In the study we employed a novel population genomic approach to answer this question. By employing demographic modelling and comparing the genetic profiles of Turquet’s octopus found in the Weddell, Amundsen, and Ross seas enabled detection of genetic connectivity dating back to the Last Interglacial. This would only be possible if a complete collapse of the WAIS occurred during the Last Interglacial, opening seaways linking the present-day Weddell, Amundsen and Ross seas. This would have allowed octopus to travel across the opened straits and exchange genetic material, which we can detect in the DNA of today’s populations.

This research was interdisciplinary, bringing together geneticists, physical scientists and geologists and was only possible through international collaboration and the use of samples collected over a 30 year time period. Our work was supported by the Australian Research Council, the Australian Academy of Science, an Antarctic Science International Bursary, the SCAR INSTANT programme, Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment, NZ, the Antarctic Science Foundation, Australasian eResearch Organisations and Suomen Akatemia.

Interdisciplinary team work makes the dream work! From L to R: Nick Golledge (Victoria University of Wellington), Nerida Wilson (University of Western Australia), Sally Lau (James Cook University), Tim Naish (Victoria University of Wellington) and Jan Strugnell (James Cook University).

We are delighted with the media attention our paper has received! Some of our favourites include First Dog on the Moon, The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN. You can also read more about our research in an article we wrote for The Conversation.